BreastScreen SA is made up of a diverse team of medical specialists, health professionals and administration experts who, together, deliver high-quality breast cancer screening services to the women of South Australia.
Led by the program’s Clinical Director and Program Director, the screening service is tailored to the unique needs of its clients right across the state. The program’s State Coordination Unit is co-located with its dedicated Assessment Clinic in Wakefield Street, Adelaide. It is home to BreastScreen SA’s Executive Management Team, administrative committees, breast specialist radiologists, medical officers, nurse counsellors and administration staff.
Each of BreastScreen SA’s screening clinics, including its 3 mobile screening units, is run by a team of specially trained radiographers and reception staff. They are dedicated to delivering a warm and welcoming environment and an efficient, gold-standard service for our clients.
Our dedicated Assessment Clinic is delivered by a highly specialised multidisciplinary team of radiologists, surgeons, medical officers, nurse counsellors, radiographers and sonographers to ensure every client receives the very best care possible.